
We provide sanitary water pipe maintenance services, and do not sell water pipe materials or parts. Water pipe materials and parts are only part of our maintenance work.

Most of the maintenance costs are actually based on on-site assessment of the size, severity and difficulty of the work.


Description of Services

Unit Rate


Clearing toilet bowl choke

From $80


Clearing floor trap choke

From $80


Rectify water discharge into toilet bowl by replacing new siphon

From $100


Labor & material to repair leak at exposed copper pipe or PVC pipe

From $80


Replace kitchen sink/ basin tap (normal type)

From $90


Supply & replace bottle trap for kitchen sink

From $80


Replace Sink/ Basin/ Cistern flexible hose

From $80


Labor & Equipment to detect water leakage of concealed pipes in HDB flats and condominiums.

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Labor & Equipment to detect water leakage of concealed pipes in landed property including underground pipes.

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As above described in commercial and industrial properties including underground pipes.

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Supply & install toilet bowl set

From $280


Supply & install basin

From $180

* The above rates can only be used as a reference, the actual cost still needs to be assessed on site.


The Best Plumbing Services Supply in Singapore

  • HDB Plumbing and sanitary fixture repair, installation, and replacement for both private residential, commercial, and industrial structures
  • Plugging of pipe water leakage
  • Pipe installation
  • Manual labor or machine-assisted clearance of clogged pipes, basins, toilet bowls, floor traps, maintenance holes, and other items to free them
  • Water taps, mixer taps, piping, bottle traps, flexible hoses, sinks, basin bowls, urinal bowl covers, flush cisterns and toilet attachments may be necessary.
  • Water heaters ( instant or storage) and dustbins will be supplied and installed.
  • Replacement of pipes from the chimney to every room in the home. Pipe materials include copper, PVC, or stainless steel.
  • Replacement of toilet flooring, shower screens, and other bathroom hardware
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